Protecting listed buildings from lightning

Posted on January 12, 2016 by heightw in Blog Entry

Lightning protection systems can be installed on all kinds of domestic and commercial properties to protect them from lightning strikes and safeguard their inhabitants from injury. The idea of a system is to use conductive metal to direct the current safely to ground in an unobstructed path. This will prevent it from flowing into cables and pipes where it could damage electrical devices and even cause fires.

Listed buildings are generally the most challenging places to install lightning protection, because there are limitations on the work that can be done on the structure. The system will need to be designed so that it isn’t harmful to the character of the property while still allowing it to function effectively.

A recent project which needed to balance sensitivity with functionality involved work on Victoria Hall in Saltaire, West Yorkshire. The building opened in 1871 and is currently used for special events such as weddings. It is beautifully maintained both inside and out, but it has no lightning protection and its listed status presents practical problems with installation.

Fortunately, Bradford Council recently approved the installation of a system to protect Victoria Hall and its inhabitants from lightning. In order to protect the character and aesthetics of the building, it was decided all of the conductors and metal tapes used to create safe paths for the current will be the same colour as the structure. This will allow them to blend in and make it difficult to identify that they are even there. The approval means the work can go ahead in the near future.

At Heightwise we have a team of highly experienced lightning rod installers, and we have delivered bespoke systems to suit a wide range of structures. Our skilled team can cater for all kinds of criteria, including accounting for listed status and other limitations. Clients can have complete confidence in our systems and can also call on us to handle maintenance and repairs.

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