Why lightning protection is important

Posted on September 24, 2014 by heightw in Blog Entry

Lightning is a natural phenomenon that is as fascinating as it is dangerous. In numerous ancient mythologies around the world its occurrence has been heavily associated with various gods and deities. It is not a surprise that this type of event can sometimes be the cause of disaster. In the law of torts, it is legally referred to as an ‘act of God’ along with other natural disasters.

This not so rare occurrence is basically an enormous electricity discharge that no one can predict. It is not specific to storms, and has been found to occur during other events such as volcanic eruptions, hurricanes, and on occasions during severe forest fires. It can strike from one cloud to another, within the same cloud, or the ground. When it strikes the ground or structures in its path, the electricity discharged continues to travel along objects or structures until it is dissipated.

The danger that this electrical discharge represents once it has struck is great, and for this reason it is important to count on a reliable lightning protection system in place. Lightning rods or conductors, are commonly placed on top of buildings not to prevent lightning from occurring, but to manage its path safely until the electrical charge is dissipated.

We specialise in performing risk assessments focused around these type of incidents, installing lightning protection systems, and carrying out lightning testing to ensure they function correctly all year round. The frequency of testing should always correspond to the regularity in which this phenomenon is occurs, but it is recommended that it takes place at least once a year. We provide all our knowledge and experience in all matters related to lightning issues.

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